TitleSummaryAuthorTagsYearsDocuments typesLanguagesCountries/RegionsLinktags_hfilterdocument_type_hfilterlanguage_hfiltercountries_regions_hfilter
Humanitarian Futures for Messaging Apps: Understanding the Opportunities and Risks for Humanitarian ActionReport on the current and potential uses of messaging apps such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and Snapchat in humanitarian situationsICRC, The Engine Room and Block PartyInspiration from other sectors, Messengers / Video Conferencing, Technology / digital2017ReportEnglish

inspiration-from-other-sectors messengers-video-conferencing technology-digital-2reportenglish
Findings from research for an Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) Media Campaign Targeting Most At-Risk CommunitiesReport on findings from research conducted by a strategic communications company to identify appropriate and effective communications methods that would resonate with the target population. The principal objective of the research was to evaluate how best to communicate with the target population and develop an effective campaign based on this research.UNMAS IraqBehaviour change, Methodologies, Needs Analysis, Social media, Technology / digital2020ReportEnglishIraq, Middle East

behaviour-change methodologies needs-analysis social-media technology-digital-2reportenglishiraq middle-east
Pasos Seguros videosYouTube page of the Pasos Seguros (Safe Steps) project in Colombia. Features short cartoon clips.USAID, Fundación Restrepo Barco, Discovery Communications, Computadores para EducarBehaviour change, Methodologies, Technology / digital, VideosVideoSpanishColombia, Latin America

behaviour-change methodologies technology-digital-2 videosvideospanishcolombia latin-america
Lifesaving mine risk education for children with disabilities in AleppoPhoto essay on awareness-raising sessions in sign languageKhudr Al-Issa and Yasmine Saker (UNICEF)Inclusion, Ethics & Do No Harm2019ImageEnglishSyria

Measuring Behaviour Change Resulting from EORE and the Need for Complementary Risk Reduction ActivitiesArticle describing a focus group discussion methodology for assessing the impact of EORE interventions. Published in the Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction Issue 24.1.Helaine Boyd (The HALO Trust), Sebastian Kasack (MAG), Noe Falk Nielsen (NPA)Behaviour change, M&E2020Article / PaperEnglish

behaviour-change mearticle-paperenglish
Mine risk education for deaf children and their communitiesVideo on mine risk education activities undertaken in Yemen targeting deaf children and their communitiesUNICEF YemenInclusion, Ethics & Do No Harm2019VideoArabic, Arabic Sign Language, EnglishYemen

inclusionethicsdonoharmvideoarabic arabic-sign-language englishyemen
Information and Communications Technology for People with DisabilitiesMagazine with articles on ICT for people with disabilities.ECLAC/CDCCInclusion, Ethics & Do No Harm, Technology / digital2016OtherEnglishLatin America

inclusionethicsdonoharm technology-digital-2otherenglishlatin-america
IASC Guidelines: Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian ActionGuidelines to effectively identify and respond to the needs and rights of persons with disabilities who are most at risk of being left behind in humanitarian settings. See page 141 for resources specifically on protection.IASCInclusion, Ethics & Do No Harm2019GuideEnglish

The Mobile Gender Gap Report 2020Report examining how the mobile gender gap in low- and middle-income countries, and how it is evolving. Regional Resources also available for Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.GSMAInclusion, Ethics & Do No Harm, Technology / digital2020ReportEnglishSouth Asia, Southeast Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa

inclusionethicsdonoharm technology-digital-2reportenglishsouth-asia southeast-asia sub-saharan-africa
Risk Education in the Middle EastSide event report from the 17th Meeting of States Parties to the APMBC. Includes an analysis of the current situation in the Middle East, what makes for effective risk education, and gaps and recommendations.GICHD, DDG, HI, University of Balamand, UNICEF, UNMASHolistic approaches / integrated programming, IEDs, Needs Analysis, Remote, Returning IDPs & refugees, Technology / digital, Urban2018ReportEnglishMiddle East

holistic-approaches-integrated-programming-2 ieds needs-analysis remote returning-idps-refugees technology-digital-2 urbanreportenglishmiddle-east
Addressing the Explosive Hazard Threat in Northern Syria: Risk Education on Landmines, UXO, Booby Traps and IEDsArticle on risk education in the Syrian context, including sections on EO contamination in Syria and the rapid return of displaced populations to newly taken areas. Published in the Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction Issue 21.2.Louise Skilling and Marysia Zapasnik (DCA)IEDs, Returning IDPs & refugees, Urban2017Article / PaperEnglish

ieds returning-idps-refugees urbanarticle-paperenglish
Rumour has it: A practical guide to working with rumoursGuide on approaches, practices and tools to working with rumours - aimed at humanitarian programme managers and field staff.Jon Bugge, CDAC Network (editor: Angela Rouse)Behaviour change, Inspiration from other sectors, Methodologies2017GuideArabic, English, French

behaviour-change inspiration-from-other-sectors methodologiesguidearabic english french
InspiredBlog on innovation by the ICRCICRCInnovation processes, Technology / digitalWebpageEnglish

innovation-processes technology-digital-2webpageenglish
Internet of Good ThingsDescription of the UNICEF-led initiative that aims to bridge the digital divide and build knowledge in societies by hosting mobile-packaged content.UNICEFInnovation processes, Technology / digitalWebpageEnglish

innovation-processes technology-digital-2webpageenglish
UNICEF Office of InnovationResearch, reports and stories on innovation by UNICEF. Includes more information on partnering or working with UNICEF, open source projects and the UNICEF Innovation Fund.UNICEFInnovation processes, Technology / digitalWebpageEnglish

innovation-processes technology-digital-2webpageenglish
UNDP Accelerator LabsLearning network on sustainable development challenges, built by UNDP. In 60 locations supporting 78 countries. Features a strategy & toolkit to scale innovation for development.UNDPInnovation processes, Technology / digitalWebpageEnglish

innovation-processes technology-digital-2webpageenglish
Fabo Learning LabInnovation lab of DanChurchAid that develops learning solutions and experiences.Fabo Learning LabInnovation processes, Technology / digitalWebpageEnglish

innovation-processes technology-digital-2webpageenglish
Fit for PartneringInformation sheet on the process of building institutional capability for partneringTPI GlobalInnovation processes, Inspiration from other sectors2018HandoutEnglish

innovation-processes inspiration-from-other-sectorshandoutenglish
Webinar: RCCE Indicators for the COVID-19 response (presentation)Webinar & accompanying resources on measuring risk communication and community engagement indicators.UNICEFInspiration from other sectors, M&E, Methodologies, Social media, Technology / digital2020VideoEnglish

inspiration-from-other-sectors me methodologies social-media technology-digital-2videoenglish
Supporting Innovation in Humanitarian OrganisationsReport on workshop exploring practical ways to encourage innovation in humanitarian organisations.ALNAPInnovation processes, Inspiration from other sectors2011ReportEnglish

innovation-processes inspiration-from-other-sectorsreportenglish
WHO launches a chatbot on Facebook Messenger to combat COVID-19 misinformationPress release on WHO's chatbot initiative for COVID-19WHOInspiration from other sectors, Technology / digital2020Press ReleaseEnglish

inspiration-from-other-sectors technology-digital-2press-releaseenglish
IFRC’s early outreach with Tik TokPost about how IFRC got engaged on the TikTok platformDante Licona (IFRC)Social media, Technology / digital2020OtherEnglish

social-media technology-digital-2otherenglish
Introduction to Gender and Diversity in Mine ActionThree-part online course that enables learners to identify where and why gender and diversitymatter in mine action. Available free of charge on the GICHD's online training platform.GICHDInclusion, Ethics & Do No HarmOtherEnglish

Explosive remnants of war: children with disabilities need access to risk educationNews post on the inclusion of children with disabilities in risk education activities in GazaHIInclusion, Ethics & Do No Harm2018Press ReleaseEnglishMiddle East, State of Palestine

inclusionethicsdonoharmpress-releaseenglishmiddle-east state-of-palestine
How to Use TikTok Challenges for BusinessArticle with tips for engaging with TikTok ChallengesMackayla Paul (Social Media Examiner)Inspiration from other sectors, Social media, Technology / digital, Videos2020Article / PaperEnglish

inspiration-from-other-sectors social-media technology-digital-2 videosarticle-paperenglish
IFRC on Tik TokTik Tok (social media) page of the IFRCIFRCInspiration from other sectors, Social media, Technology / digital, VideosWebpage

inspiration-from-other-sectors social-media technology-digital-2 videoswebpage
ViamoSocial enterprise creating mobile technologies for data collection and information sharing with vulnerable communitiesViamoInspiration from other sectors, Technology / digitalWebpageEnglish, French

inspiration-from-other-sectors technology-digital-2webpageenglish french
LEAP: the mHealth platformAn interactive mobile training platform for the healthcare sector, available on basic and smart mobile devices through SMS and audio technologyLeap Health; Amref Health AfricaInspiration from other sectors, Messengers / Video Conferencing, Technology / digitalWebpageEnglishSub-Saharan Africa

inspiration-from-other-sectors messengers-video-conferencing technology-digital-2webpageenglishsub-saharan-africa
Beekee Box: a network without the internet or electricity!Article on the development of the Beekee Box, a portable learning platform that does not require access to the internetUniversité de GenèveInspiration from other sectors, Technology / digital2019Press ReleaseEnglish, French

inspiration-from-other-sectors technology-digital-2press-releaseenglish french
Protection and COVID-19Global Protection Cluster dashboard and resources on COVID-19Global Protection ClusterInspiration from other sectors2020WebpageEnglish

UNICEF: U-ReportInformation on the U-Report social platform, including case studies.UNICEFInspiration from other sectors, Responsive information, Social media, Technology / digitalWebpageEnglish

inspiration-from-other-sectors responsive-information social-media technology-digital-2webpageenglish
U-ReportFree tool for community participation, designed to address issues that the population cares about. Used in 69 countries (see full list online). Country pages & resources available in local languages.UNICEFInspiration from other sectors, Responsive information, Social media, Technology / digitalWebpageEnglish

inspiration-from-other-sectors responsive-information social-media technology-digital-2webpageenglish
Cuentanos.orgSignpost resources on civil society and governmental services in El Salvador, Honduras and GuatemalaSignpost/IRCInspiration from other sectors, Responsive information, Social media, Technology / digitalWebpageEnglish, SpanishEl Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Latin America

inspiration-from-other-sectors responsive-information social-media technology-digital-2webpageenglish spanishel-salvador guatemala honduras latin-america
Khabrona.infoSignpost resources for Syrian refugees in JordanSignpost/IRCInspiration from other sectors, Responsive information, Social media, Technology / digitalWebpageArabic, EnglishJordan, Middle East, Syria

inspiration-from-other-sectors responsive-information social-media technology-digital-2webpagearabic englishjordan middle-east syria
Using Radio as a Means of Operational Communication and Community OutreachGuide on good practices for using radio for humanitarian communicationICRCRemote, Technology / digital2019GuideArabic, English

remote technology-digital-2guidearabic english
Zapya File Transfer AppFile sharing application that supports offline transfers. Can be used for sharing EORE appsDewmobile, IncDigital applications, Remote, Technology / digital2020WebpageArabic, Bahasa Indonesian, Burmese, Chinese, English, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Malayalam, Persian - Farsi, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Tamil, Telegu, Thai, Turkish, Urdu, Vietnamese

digital-applications remote technology-digital-2webpagearabic bahasa-indonesian burmese chinese english hindi italian japanese korean malay malayalam persian-farsi portuguese russian spanish tamil telegu thai turkish urdu vietnamese
Webinar: EORE and COVID-19Recording of webinar from 1 April 2020. Topics included how to safely maintain EORE activities, use the power of EORE networks to reach communities with COVID-19 messages, and integrate both EORE and COVID-19 risk communication activities.EORE AGInspiration from other sectors, M&E, Remote, Technology / digital2020VideoEnglish

inspiration-from-other-sectors me remote technology-digital-2videoenglish
Colombia Risk Education Radio SpotsICRC Colombia developed 11 pre-recorded EORE radio messages (8 for rural and 3 for urban environments) which have been broadcast through community radio stations.ICRCPre-recorded messages, Remote, Technology / digital2020AudioSpanishColombia, Latin America

pre-recorded-messages remote technology-digital-2audiospanishcolombia latin-america
EORE and COVID-19 ToolkitOnline resource library for EORE and COVID-19. Includes key links for EORE/COVID-19, recording and transcript of the webinar, answers to questions about EORE & COVID-19, examples of materials integrating EORE & COVID-19 risk education, resources for remote EORE and more.EORE AGInspiration from other sectors, M&E, Remote, Technology / digital2020WebpageEnglish

inspiration-from-other-sectors me remote technology-digital-2webpageenglish
Risk Education Training Syria AppLink to the app in the Google Play storeDCA Learning LabDigital applications, IEDs, Remote, Technology / digital2017WebpageArabic, EnglishMiddle East, Syria

digital-applications ieds remote technology-digital-2webpagearabic englishmiddle-east syria
Sample IED PostersMAGIEDsEORE MaterialArabicLebanon, Middle East

iedseore-materialarabiclebanon middle-east
International MRE Working Group (iMREWG)Registration page for the informal community of practice of over 400 risk education practitioners, exchanging information on EOREUNICEFWebpageEnglish

How to Create Fab but Cheap Non-profit Ads for FacebookTips for affordable ways for nonprofits to reach audiences using Facebook adsJulia Campbell (J. Campbell Social Marketing)Social media, Technology / digital2019Article / PaperEnglish

social-media technology-digital-2article-paperenglish
Oslo Action PlanAction plan guiding the next 5 years of APMBC treaty implementation. Adopted at the Oslo Review Conference in November 2019.Holistic approaches / integrated programming, Needs AnalysisOtherArabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish

holistic-approaches-integrated-programming-2 needs-analysisotherarabic chinese english french russian spanish
EORE Advisory GroupGroup of over a dozen UN agencies, international organisations and international NGOs that provides overall guidance to the sector and identifies ways to improve the integration, effectiveness, efficiency and relevance of EORE.EORE AGWebpageEnglish

NestaInnovation foundation that works with partners around the globe to bring bold ideas to life to change the world for good. Includes practical tools and resources. Formerly the UK National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts.NestaInnovation processes, Needs AnalysisWebpageEnglish

innovation-processes needs-analysiswebpageenglish
Always-Updated Guide to Facebook AdvertisingRegularly updated guide to Facebook ads, including an introduction, individual how-to guides with screenshots, information on audience targeting, and strategies for budgeting and analysis.Kevan Lee (Buffer)Social media, Technology / digital2020GuideEnglish

social-media technology-digital-2guideenglish
Billy Goat Radio InstructionsSystem for writing short edcuational-entertainment serial dramas embedding risk education messages and broadcast by radioSnail AidRemoteOtherEnglish

User Experience (UX) DesignConstantly-updated definition of UX Design and collection of topical content and literatureInteraction Design FoundationInnovation processes, Needs AnalysisWebpageEnglish

innovation-processes needs-analysiswebpageenglish
IDEO U Design Thinking CourseOnline courses on design thinking, from the global design firm IDEOIDEOInnovation processes, Needs AnalysisWebpageEnglish

innovation-processes needs-analysiswebpageenglish
OCHA On Message: Communications with Communities (CwC)Information on CwC, an emerging field of humanitarian response that helps to meet the information and communications needs of people affected by crisis.OCHABehaviour change, Needs Analysis2014HandoutEnglish

behaviour-change needs-analysishandoutenglish
Facebook EORE Pilot (Presentation)Presentation on the Facebook advertisement pilot project in Ninewa, Iraq.PM/WRA, Iraq DMA, Facebook, MAGIEDs, Remote, Social media, Technology / digital2020PresentationEnglishIraq, Middle East

ieds remote social-media technology-digital-2presentationenglishiraq middle-east
MRE Vietnam AppLink to the app in the Google Play storeMage StudioDigital applications, Remote, Technology / digital2019WebpageVietnameseMyanmar

digital-applications remote technology-digital-2webpagevietnamesemyanmar
IDEO.org Design ToolsInnovation tools for human-centered designIDEOInnovation processes, Needs AnalysisWebpageEnglish

innovation-processes needs-analysiswebpageenglish
Facebook EORE Pilot (Project Document)Project document on the Facebook advertisement pilot in Ninewa, IraqPM/WRA, Iraq DMA, Facebook, MAGIEDs, Remote, Social media, Technology / digital2020ReportEnglishIraq, Middle East

ieds remote social-media technology-digital-2reportenglishiraq middle-east
Regional Durable Solutions Working Group for SyriaWebsite of the RDSWG including dashboards and resourcesUNHCRReturning IDPs & refugeesWebpageEnglishEgypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Middle East, Syria, Turkey

returning-idps-refugeeswebpageenglishegypt iraq jordan lebanon middle-east syria turkey
MRE Myanmar AppLink to the app in the Google Play storeDCA Learning LabDigital applications, Remote, Technology / digital2019WebpageBurmeseMyanmar

digital-applications remote technology-digital-2webpageburmesemyanmar
Restricted Access MRE ProgrammingPresentation on risk education for hard-to-reach communitiesUNICEFRemotePresentationEnglish

Game-Based Learning: An Innovative and Scalable Approach to Mine Risk EducationArticle on a risk education app in Vietnam, published in the Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction Issue 23.3Ta Thi Hai Yen (Catholic Relief Services)Digital applications, Remote, Technology / digital2020Article / PaperEnglishSoutheast Asia, Vietnam

digital-applications remote technology-digital-2article-paperenglishsoutheast-asia vietnam
Stay Safe from MinesDedicated website of MAG's Facebook advertisement campaignMAGTechnology / digitalWebpageArabic, Kurdish - Kirmaji, Kurdish - SuraniIraq, Middle East

technology-digital-2webpagearabic kurdish-kirmaji kurdish-suraniiraq middle-east
Risk Education App – SyriaPresentation on the Syrian risk education appDCA Learning Lab, UNICEF, MFA DenmarkDigital applications, IEDs, Remote, Technology / digital, UrbanPresentationEnglishMiddle East, Syria

digital-applications ieds remote technology-digital-2 urbanpresentationenglishmiddle-east syria
Keeping Iraqis Safe from Deadly ISIS Bombs through Innovative Digital Risk Education CampaignArticle on the Facebook advertisement pilot in Ninewa, IraqSolomon Black (PM/WRA)IEDs, Remote, Social media, Technology / digital2020Article / PaperEnglishIraq, Middle East

ieds remote social-media technology-digital-2article-paperenglishiraq middle-east
IMAS 12.10: Mine/ERW Risk EducationInternational Mine Action Standard on risk education. This standard is expected to be updated in 2020.IMAS2018OtherArabic, English, French, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian

otherarabic english french russian spanish ukrainian
Increasing Resilience to Weapon Contamination through Behaviour Change – PDFGuidelines to promote risk awareness and safer behaviour (RASB) with regard to conventional weapons and chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) hazards, for use by the components of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.ICRCHolistic approaches / integrated programming, IEDs, Methodologies, Needs Analysis, Urban2019GuideEnglish

holistic-approaches-integrated-programming-2 ieds methodologies needs-analysis urbanguideenglish
Data ReportalFree global, regional & country-specific reports on digital data, insights and trends. Over 230 countries & territories represented.KepiosMessengers / Video Conferencing, Needs Analysis, Social media, Technology / digitalWebpageEnglish

messengers-video-conferencing needs-analysis social-media technology-digital-2webpageenglish
Myanmar Interactive EORE ApplicationPresentation on MRE Myanmar digital app to the 23rd NDMMinistry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement; UNICEF; DCADigital applications, Remote, Technology / digital2020PresentationEnglishMyanmar, Southeast Asia

digital-applications remote technology-digital-2presentationenglishmyanmar southeast-asia
Safe Ground VideoIn 2019, the Secretary-General of the United Nations launched the five-year Safe Ground campaign to turn minefields into playing fields. The campaign links mine action, sport and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by showing how clearing minefields, brings communities together and raises awareness about mine victims, and survivors of armed conflict. Safe Ground is a global advocacy and fundraising campaign supported by an informal voluntary Group of Champions comprised of Member States of the United Nations, United Nations entities, civil society organizations, sports federations, private sector companies, and individual athletes.UNDP VietnamTechnology / digital, Videos2020VideoEnglish, VietnameseSoutheast Asia, Vietnam

technology-digital-2 videosvideoenglish vietnamesesoutheast-asia vietnam
Regional Operational Framework for Refugee Return to SyriaConsolidation of common elements of country-specific Interagency Preparedness Plans on Refugee Returns.Regional Durable Solutions Working GroupReturning IDPs & refugees2019OtherEnglishEgypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Middle East, Syria, Turkey

returning-idps-refugeesotherenglishegypt iraq jordan lebanon middle-east syria turkey
Principles for Digital DevelopmentSet of nine living guidelines for integrating best practices into technology-enabled development programs that have been endorsed by over 200 international development and cooperation organisations. Also functions as a community of practice with a forum, blog & events.Inclusion, Ethics & Do No Harm, Needs Analysis, Technology / digitalWebpageEnglish

inclusionethicsdonoharm needs-analysis technology-digital-2webpageenglish
Implementing Armed Violence Prevention activities in emergency and open conflict contexts (online version)Online version of the practical guideHIHolistic approaches / integrated programming, IEDs, Inclusion, Ethics & Do No Harm, Methodologies, Needs Analysis, Remote, Returning IDPs & refugees2017GuideEnglish

holistic-approaches-integrated-programming-2 ieds inclusionethicsdonoharm methodologies needs-analysis remote returning-idps-refugeesguideenglish
Risk Education in Iraq: Delivering life-saving messages to vulnerable communitiesVisual story on EORE activities in Iraq, including through innovative tools and social media, using a digital storytelling mediumUNMAS IraqExtended reality, IEDs, Social media, Technology / digitalWebpageEnglishIraq

extended-reality ieds social-media technology-digital-2webpageenglishiraq
Refugee.infoSignpost resources for refugees in Greece and ItalySignpost/IRCResponsive information, Social media, Technology / digitalWebpageArabic, English, French, Persian, UrduGreece, Italy, Middle East

responsive-information social-media technology-digital-2webpagearabic english french persian urdugreece italy middle-east
Risk Education in the Oslo Action Plan: from vision to realityReport on side event to the 23rd NDM, which featured breakout discussions on: IED risk education; digital EORE; EORE training needs; impact monitoring; and integration of EORE in broader humanitarian, development & educated effortsEORE AGDigital applications, Holistic approaches / integrated programming, IEDs, Inclusion, Ethics & Do No Harm, Messengers / Video Conferencing, Social media, Technology / digital2020ReportEnglish

digital-applications holistic-approaches-integrated-programming-2 ieds inclusionethicsdonoharm messengers-video-conferencing social-media technology-digital-2reportenglish
Preguntas y comentarios del webinario de educación en el riesgo de artefactos explosivos-COVID-19Spanish translation of the EORE and COVID questions and answers.EORE AG, translation by GICHDInspiration from other sectors, M&E, Remote, Technology / digital2020OtherSpanish

inspiration-from-other-sectors me remote technology-digital-2otherspanish
Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees (VASyR) in LebanonThe VASyR analyses a representative sample of Syrian refugee families in Lebanon to provide a multi-sectoral update of the situation of this population. It has been conducted annually since 2013.UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, IASC LebanonNeeds Analysis, Returning IDPs & refugees2019ReportLebanon, Middle East, Syria

needs-analysis returning-idps-refugeesreportlebanon middle-east syria
Implementing Armed Violence Prevention activities in emergency and open conflict contexts (PDF version)Practical guide on armed violence reduction. Includes activity factsheets on initial diagnosis; baseline and endline surveys; information, education and communication (IEC) planning; public information; risk education training; risk education sessions; child-friendly risk education; safety training for external actors; and contamination impact survey. Transversal factsheets on quality management; information management; inclusion (gender, age and disability); participatory approach; and synergies with victim assistance activities.HIHolistic approaches / integrated programming, IEDs, Inclusion, Ethics & Do No Harm, Methodologies, Needs Analysis, Remote, Returning IDPs & refugees2017GuideEnglish

holistic-approaches-integrated-programming-2 ieds inclusionethicsdonoharm methodologies needs-analysis remote returning-idps-refugeesguideenglish
EORE Sector Mapping and Needs AnalysisRapid appraisal of EORE approaches, capacity, coordination and resources that examines how the EORE sector is responding to new and emerging threats.GICHDHolistic approaches / integrated programming, IEDs, Inclusion, Ethics & Do No Harm, Needs Analysis, Remote, Returning IDPs & refugees, Technology / digital, Urban2019ReportEnglish

holistic-approaches-integrated-programming-2 ieds inclusionethicsdonoharm needs-analysis remote returning-idps-refugees technology-digital-2 urbanreportenglish
Conflict Preparedness & Protection (CPP) – UNMAS PresentationPresentation on the CPP approach in Gaza: background on the conflict, training session content, target groups, what makes CPP different, results achievedHaniya Albaioumy (UNMAS Palestine)Holistic approaches / integrated programming, Methodologies, Urban2019PresentationEnglishState of Palestine

holistic-approaches-integrated-programming-2 methodologies urbanpresentationenglishstate-of-palestine
SignpostWebpage on the Signpost initiative - an information and community engagement project that uses social media and digital platforms to get critical information to those affected by crisesSignpost/IRCInspiration from other sectors, Responsive information, Social media, Technology / digitalWebpageEnglish

inspiration-from-other-sectors responsive-information social-media technology-digital-2webpageenglish
Digital Microtargeting: Political Party Innovation Primer 1Report on legal, ethical and political dimensions, as well as the risks, of digital microtargeting by political parties.International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA)Inclusion, Ethics & Do No Harm, Technology / digital2018ReportEnglish

inclusionethicsdonoharm technology-digital-2reportenglish
Golden West Design LabDescription of this design lab for innovative products for explosive ordnance disposalGolden WestInnovation processes, Technology / digitalWebpageEnglish

innovation-processes technology-digital-2webpageenglish
FulcrumMobile data collection toolSpacial NetworksM&E, Mobile data collection, Technology / digitalSpacial NetworksEnglish

me mobile-data-collection technology-digital-2spacial-networksenglish
Behaviour Change Communication: What’s your mobile strategy?Information sheet on how Viamo mobile technology can support BCCViamoBehaviour change, Inspiration from other sectors, Technology / digitalHandoutEnglish

behaviour-change inspiration-from-other-sectors technology-digital-2handoutenglish
Everybody Wants to BelongA practical guide to tackling and leveraging social norms in behavior change programming. Includes 24 tools and provides concrete examples, step by step instructions, tips and techniques that have been successfully employed in real world settings.Vincent Petit & Tamar Naomi Zalk, UNICEF, PENN SoNGBehaviour change, Methodologies, Needs Analysis2019GuideEnglish

behaviour-change methodologies needs-analysisguideenglish
ArcGIS Survey123Mobile data collection toolESRIM&E, Mobile data collection, Technology / digitalWebpageEnglish

me mobile-data-collection technology-digital-2webpageenglish
Digital Communication in Weapons Contamination (WeC) ProgrammesStudy on the use of digital communication in risk awareness and safer behaviour (RASB) in weapon-contaminated contextsICRCDigital applications, Holistic approaches / integrated programming, Messengers / Video Conferencing, Remote, Social media, Technology / digital, Urban, Videos2018ReportEnglish

digital-applications holistic-approaches-integrated-programming-2 messengers-video-conferencing remote social-media technology-digital-2 urban videosreportenglish
U-Report Poll: Sense of SafetyExample of a poll on "a sense of safety"UNICEFInspiration from other sectors, Responsive information2019HandoutEnglishEastern Europe, Ukraine

inspiration-from-other-sectors responsive-informationhandoutenglisheastern-europe ukraine
UNMAS in Afghanistan Behaviour Change Communication for EOREPaper on the overhaul of the EORE programme in Afghanistan using a BCC approachUNMAS AfghanistanBehaviour change, IEDs, Methodologies, Needs Analysis2019ReportEnglishAfghanistan, Central Asia

behaviour-change ieds methodologies needs-analysisreportenglishafghanistan central-asia
How to Use Social Media to Better Engage People Affected by CrisesA brief guide for those using social media in humanitarian organizationsICRC, IFRC, OCHAInclusion, Ethics & Do No Harm, Remote, Social media, Technology / digital2017GuideEnglish

inclusionethicsdonoharm remote social-media technology-digital-2guideenglish
The Humanitarian Metadata Problem: ‘Doing No Harm’ In the Digital EraStudy on the risks associated with new technologies in the humanitarian sector and how the risks can be avoided or mitigated.Privacy International, ICRCInclusion, Ethics & Do No Harm, Technology / digital2018English

inclusionethicsdonoharm technology-digital-2english
Superteam Against Mines VideoVideo on the C4D Superteam Against Mines project in UkraineUNICEFBehaviour change, Methodologies, Technology / digitalVideoEnglishUkraine

behaviour-change methodologies technology-digital-2videoenglishukraine
Seventh Mine Action Technology Workshop: A Space for InnovationArticle on the 7th edition of the Mine Action Technology Workshop that brought together 165 participants from 49 countries and 85 organisations to share ideas and experiences that promote the efficient use of innovation and technology in mine action. Published in the Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction Issue 24.1.Arsen Khanyan and Inna Cruz (GICHD)IEDs, Remote, Technology / digital, Urban2020Article / PaperEnglish

ieds remote technology-digital-2 urbanarticle-paperenglish
Guidance on Collecting Information on Risk Education Impact Assessment FormsSample guidelines for using Survey 123 to collect information about EOREMAGM&E, Mobile data collection, Technology / digital2019GuideEnglish

me mobile-data-collection technology-digital-2guideenglish
U-Report Poll: Mine SafetyExample of a poll on "mine safety"UNICEFInspiration from other sectors, Responsive information2018HandoutEnglishEastern Europe, Ukraine

inspiration-from-other-sectors responsive-informationhandoutenglisheastern-europe ukraine
Mine Risk Education: Ukraine CasePresentation on the C4D Superteam Against Mines project in Ukraine (2015-2019), including example materialsUNICEFBehaviour change, Methodologies, Technology / digital, VideosPresentationEnglishEastern Europe, Ukraine

behaviour-change methodologies technology-digital-2 videospresentationenglisheastern-europe ukraine
CPP Stay Safe CharactersGraphic of the five 'Stay Safe' characters from NPA's Conflict Preparedness & Protection (CPP) initiativeNPAHolistic approaches / integrated programming, Methodologies, UrbanEORE MaterialEnglishMiddle East, State of Palestine

holistic-approaches-integrated-programming-2 methodologies urbaneore-materialenglishmiddle-east state-of-palestine
Communication for Development: Changing BehaviourPresentation on C4D and its application in the public health sectorUNICEFBehaviour change, Inspiration from other sectors, Methodologies, Technology / digitalPresentationEnglish

behaviour-change inspiration-from-other-sectors methodologies technology-digital-2presentationenglish
ODO ‘Solar Risk Education Talking Device’Video from UNAMIDTV on the Risk Education Talking Device (RETD), following its recognition by the UN Secretary-General in the area of 'Innovation and Creativity'UNAMIDTVTechnology / digital2018VideoEnglishSudan

Empowering through responsive information services: an evidence review of the Signpost projectWhite paper on the Signpost project's methods on delivering a digital responsive information servicesSignpost/IRCInspiration from other sectors, Responsive informationArticle / PaperEnglish

inspiration-from-other-sectors responsive-informationarticle-paperenglish
EORE for Children in Ukraine: UNICEF ApproachPresentation on the C4D Superteam Against Mines project in Ukraine (2015-2019). Presented during the 23rd NDM.UNICEFBehaviour change, Methodologies, Technology / digital2020PresentationEnglishEastern Europe, Ukraine

behaviour-change methodologies technology-digital-2presentationenglisheastern-europe ukraine
Risk Education Talking Device – Animated VideoAnimated Video about the Risk Education Talking Device (RETD)UNMAS DarfurRemote, Technology / digital2020VideoEnglishSudan

remote technology-digital-2videoenglishsudan
TNMA: Risk Education for Improvised Explosive DevicesTechnical Note for Mine Action (TNMA) intended to provide guidance on additional factors to be considered when planning and conducting Risk Education (RE) for Improvised Explosive Devices (IED).IMASIEDs, Methodologies2019GuideEnglish

ieds methodologiesguideenglish
UNICEF together with IT Association in Ukraine will teach children Mine Safety with virtual realityPress release on upcoming project using virtual realityUNICEF, IT Ukraine AssociationTechnology / digital2020Press ReleaseEnglish, UkrainianEastern Europe, Ukraine

technology-digital-2press-releaseenglish ukrainianeastern-europe ukraine
Innovation in Risk Education (Risk Education Talking Device)Presentation on the Risk Education Talking Device (RETD)Abel Tesfai & Jeffrey McMurdo (UNMAS Darfur)Remote, Technology / digital2020PresentationEnglishSub-Saharan Africa, Sudan

remote technology-digital-2presentationenglishsub-saharan-africa sudan
RCCE Action Plan Guidance: COVID-19 preparedness & responseInterim guidance tool for communicating effectively with the public, and engaging with communities, local partners and other stakeholders - particularly for early response to COVID-19. Includes key steps for developing a COVID-19 risk communication & community engagement (RCCE) plan, a planning template for countries to fill in, and annexes with additional guidance and resources. Useful sample questionnaires for conducting needs analysis.IFRC, UNICEF, WHOInspiration from other sectors, Needs Analysis2020GuideEnglish

inspiration-from-other-sectors needs-analysisguideenglish
CPP Children’s PostersSample children's posters using a Conflict Preparedness & Protection (CPP) approachNPAHolistic approaches / integrated programming, Methodologies, UrbanEORE MaterialArabicMiddle East, State of Palestine

holistic-approaches-integrated-programming-2 methodologies urbaneore-materialarabicmiddle-east state-of-palestine
COVID-19: Preparedness and Response in DetentionBlog post on the use of videos for sensitisation and training, using a virtual prison environmentICRCExtended reality, Inspiration from other sectors, Technology / digital, Videos2020Article / PaperEnglish

extended-reality inspiration-from-other-sectors technology-digital-2 videosarticle-paperenglish
Pasos Seguros (Safe Steps)Webpage for the Pasos Seguros (Safe Steps) initiative. An innovative alliance between four development, communication and education actors.USAID, Fundación Restrepo Barco, Discovery Communications, Computadores para EducarBehaviour change, Methodologies, VideosWebpageSpanishColombia, Latin America

behaviour-change methodologies videoswebpagespanishcolombia latin-america
Live 3D My Little Pony Colouring BooksVideo on 3D colouring books using augmented reality - which are being explored by some EORE practitioners for risk education delivery.Tomo Creative ChannelExtended reality, Inspiration from other sectors, Remote, Technology / digital2016VideoRussian

extended-reality inspiration-from-other-sectors remote technology-digital-2videorussian
ICRC researches Virtual Reality as a behavior change toolBlog post on the ICRC's use of virtual reality for behaviour change. From the ICRC InspiRED innovation blog.ICRCBehaviour change, Extended reality, Technology / digital2019BlogEnglish

behaviour-change extended-reality technology-digital-2blogenglish
C4D in Humanitarian Action: Superheroes against minesArticle on the edutainment approach to engaging children in mine safety in UkraineUNICEFBehaviour change, Methodologies, Technology / digital2016Article / PaperEnglishEastern Europe, Ukraine

behaviour-change methodologies technology-digital-2article-paperenglisheastern-europe ukraine
SurveyCTOMobile data collection toolDobility, Inc.M&E, Mobile data collection, Technology / digitalWebpageEnglish

me mobile-data-collection technology-digital-2webpageenglish
Vietnam Virtual Reality ProjectDuring its UNSC term, the ICRC supported the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs to produce a virtual reality simulation for use at the UNHQ in New York for Mine Awareness Day 2020. The production sought to highlight the severity of weapon contamination; that it is an ongoing and challenging problem with severe humanitarian consequences; the difference mine action can make. Additionally, the production sought to highlight to the target audience understood that greater and sustained attention of the international community is required.Vietnamese MFA, ICRCTechnology / digital2019VideoEnglishVietnam

Chatbots in the humanitarian field: Concepts, uses and shortfallsReport that aims to address the questions: (1) what is a chatbot; (2) what purpose can it serve in the humanitarian sector; (3) what are the key design concepts; (4) what humanitarian chatbots currently exist; and (5) what are the shortfallsJoanna Misiura, Andrej Verity; Digital Humanitarian NetworkInspiration from other sectors, Technology / digitalEnglish

inspiration-from-other-sectors technology-digital-2english
The Current State of Virtual Reality on Behaviour ChangeReview article on virtual reality & behaviour change. Part of the ICRC Innovation Unit's Extended Reality & Behaviour Change Series.ICRCBehaviour change, Extended reality, Technology / digital2019Article / PaperEnglish

behaviour-change extended-reality technology-digital-2article-paperenglish
Increasing Resilience to Weapon Contamination through Behaviour Change – Publication Order FormLink to order multi-language versions of the ICRC's RASB guidelinesICRCHolistic approaches / integrated programming, IEDs, Methodologies, Needs Analysis, Urban2019GuideArabic, English, French, Spanish

holistic-approaches-integrated-programming-2 ieds methodologies needs-analysis urbanguidearabic english french spanish
Conflict Preparedness & Protection – WebpageAbout NPA's approach to civilian self-protection during war and conflictNPAHolistic approaches / integrated programming, Methodologies, UrbanWebpageEnglish

holistic-approaches-integrated-programming-2 methodologies urbanwebpageenglish
Collective Communication and Community Engagement in humanitarian action: How to Guide for leaders and respondersGuide describing the framework, minimum actions and services for communication and community engagement, including practical guidance. Intended for practitioners and leaders working in national and international humanitarian and media development organisations as well as other entities involved in preparedness, response and recovery.CDAC NetworkBehaviour change, Inspiration from other sectors, Methodologies2019GuideEnglish, French, Portuguese, Spanish

behaviour-change inspiration-from-other-sectors methodologiesguideenglish french portuguese spanish
Extended Reality – BriefStudy commissioned by the ICRC Innovation Board on needs, expectations and the future of XR for the ICRCICRCExtended reality, Technology / digital2018ReportEnglish

extended-reality technology-digital-2reportenglish
Beekee BoxPortable learning platform that does not require access to the internetBeekee BoxTechnology / digitalHandoutEnglish

A Twenty-Minute Walk Through Fallujah: Using Virtual Reality to Raise Awareness about IEDs in IraqArticle on the use of virtual reality as an awareness-raising tool. Published in the Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction Issue 23.3.Sandra Bialystok (GICHD)Extended reality, IEDs, Returning IDPs & refugees, Technology / digital, Urban2020Article / PaperEnglishIraq, Middle East

extended-reality ieds returning-idps-refugees technology-digital-2 urbanarticle-paperenglishiraq middle-east
Integrated Approaches to EORE in ASEAN Member StatesMagazine following a 12-month study on EO affected communities in ASEAN Member States (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand & Myanmar) but also with international perspectives. Includes articles on behaviour change communication, the evolution of EORE, targeting, messaging, guidelines/principles, M&E and integrated programming.ARMACBehaviour change, Digital applications, Holistic approaches / integrated programming, Methodologies, Technology / digital2020OtherEnglishAfghanistan, Cambodia, Colombia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam

behaviour-change digital-applications holistic-approaches-integrated-programming-2 methodologies technology-digital-2otherenglishafghanistan cambodia colombia lao-pdr myanmar southeast-asia thailand vietnam
CDAC NetworkCDAC stands for communicating with disaster affected communities. The CDAC Network is a growing platform of more than 30 humanitarian, media development, social innovation, technology, and telecommunication organisations, dedicated to saving lives and making aid more effective through communication, information exchange and community engagement. Offers resources on communication and community engagement.CDAC NetworkBehaviour change, Inspiration from other sectors, MethodologiesWebpageEnglish

behaviour-change inspiration-from-other-sectors methodologieswebpageenglish
The Use of Virtual Reality in Mine ActionPresentation on the use of virtual reality goggles for explosive hazards awareness training of humanitarian actors in Iraq. Presented during the 23rd NDM.Kahlid Rashad Jabbar (DMA Iraq)Extended reality, IEDs, Technology / digital, Urban2020PresentationEnglishIraq, Middle East

extended-reality ieds technology-digital-2 urbanpresentationenglishiraq middle-east
How to Transform a Social NormReflections on Phase II of the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on Female Genital MutilationUNFPA, UNICEFBehaviour change, Inspiration from other sectors, Methodologies2018ReportEnglish, French

behaviour-change inspiration-from-other-sectors methodologiesreportenglish french
One Shot Immersive BlogBlog from a virtual reality company that uses VR to deliver training for doctors in conflict affected regions, including Syria and Yemen.One Shot ImmersiveExtended reality, Technology / digitalWebpageEnglishMiddle East, Syria, Yemen

extended-reality technology-digital-2webpageenglishmiddle-east syria yemen
Urban Services During Protracted Armed Conflict: A Call for a Better Approach to Assisting Affected PeopleThis report seeks to stimulate the much-needed discussion on developing a better approach to assisting people in urban areas that have been affected by protracted armed conflict. It combines current research with over three decades of ICRC experience in urban areas, deriving information through focus groups and individual interviews as well as from in-depth studies on Iraq and Gaza. Other languages beyond English available from ICRC.ICRCMethodologies, Urban2015ReportArabic, Chinese, English, FrenchIraq, Middle East, State of Palestine

methodologies urbanreportarabic chinese english frenchiraq middle-east state-of-palestine
Augmented and Virtual Reality for HMA EOD TrainingArticle on the use of augmented and virutal reality for training of EOD teams in Vietnam. Published in the Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction Issue 23.3.Allen Dodgson Tan (Golden West Design Lab)Technology / digital2020Article / PaperEnglish

Deduct DeminingMobile data collection toolBoris Wortmann, Carsten NØrbyM&E, Mobile data collection, Technology / digitalWebpageEnglish

me mobile-data-collection technology-digital-2webpageenglish
Digital in 2020Free global & regional reports on digital use in 2020. Regional reports include Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, UAE, UK & US.We Are SocialMessengers / Video Conferencing, Needs Analysis, Social media, Technology / digital2020WebpageEnglish

messengers-video-conferencing needs-analysis social-media technology-digital-2webpageenglish
Why Do People Do What They Do? A Social Norms Manual for Zimbabwe and SwazilandManual on social norms with material derived from a Multi Country Study on the Drivers of ViolenceChristina Bicchieri (Penn Social Norms Training and Consulting Group), PENN SoNG,UNICEFBehaviour change, Methodologies2015GuideEnglishSub-Saharan Africa, Swaziland, Zimbabwe

behaviour-change methodologiesguideenglishsub-saharan-africa swaziland zimbabwe
IFRC First Aid AppApp with information on the most common first aid emergencies - with videos, interactive quizzes and simple step-by-step advice, and fully integrated with emergency numbersIFRCDigital applications, Holistic approaches / integrated programming, Remote, Technology / digital2020WebpageAmeric, Arabic, Bahasa Indonesian, Burmese, Chinese, Creole, Czech, Danish, Dhivehi, English, Flemish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hausa, Icelandic, Italian, Kazakh, Kinarwanda, Kiswahili, Korean, Kurdish - Kirmaji, Kyrgyz, Macedonian, Malaysian, Nepalese, Pastho, Persian - Farsi, Portuguese, Romansch, Russian, Shqip, Sinhala, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil, Thai, Ukrainian, Vietnamese

digital-applications holistic-approaches-integrated-programming-2 remote technology-digital-2webpageameric arabic bahasa-indonesian burmese chinese creole czech danish dhivehi english flemish french georgian german greek hausa icelandic italian kazakh kinarwanda kiswahili korean kurdish-kirmaji kyrgyz macedonian malaysian nepalese pastho persian-farsi portuguese romansch russian shqip sinhala spanish swedish tagalog tamil thai ukrainian vietnamese
KoboToolboxMobile data collection toolOpen Source, Harvard Humanitarian InitiativeM&E, Mobile data collection, Technology / digitalWebpageEnglish

me mobile-data-collection technology-digital-2webpageenglish
Home After WarImmersive experience using virtual reality that follows the return of an Iraqi father to Fallujah to face the threat of IEDsGICHD, NowHere Media, Oculus VR for GoodExtended reality, IEDs, Technology / digital, Urban2019WebpageEnglishIraq, Middle East

extended-reality ieds technology-digital-2 urbanwebpageenglishiraq middle-east
Armed Violence Reduction – WebpageDescription of HI's work on AVRHIHolistic approaches / integrated programming, IEDs, Inclusion, Ethics & Do No Harm, Methodologies, Needs Analysis, Remote, Returning IDPs & refugeesWebpageEnglish, French

holistic-approaches-integrated-programming-2 ieds inclusionethicsdonoharm methodologies needs-analysis remote returning-idps-refugeeswebpageenglish french
What are Social Norms? How are they measured?Article from UNICEF and University of California - San Diego Center on Global JusticeGerry Mackie, Francesca Moneti, Holly Shakya, Elaine Denny; UNICEF / University of California, San Diego, Center on Global JusticeBehaviour change, Methodologies2015Article / PaperEnglish

behaviour-change methodologiesarticle-paperenglish
Pasos Seguros (Safe Steps) Fact SheetFact sheet on the Pasos Seguros (Safe Steps) project - an alliance for EORE through innovation, including the use of information and communication technologies (ICT)USAID, The Antonio Restrepo Barco Foundation, Discovery Communications, Computadores para EducarBehaviour change, Methodologies, Technology / digitalHandoutEnglishColombia, Latin America

behaviour-change methodologies technology-digital-2handoutenglishcolombia latin-america
The Behavioural Drivers ModelA conceptual framework for social and behaviour change programming. Explains theories and presents the Behaviour Drivers Model.Vincent Petit, UNICEF, PENN SoNGBehaviour change, Methodologies, Needs Analysis2019ReportEnglish

behaviour-change methodologies needs-analysisreportenglish
EORE for returnees to AfghanistanPresentation on experiences of reaching returnees to Afghanistan with EORE. Delivered as part of the EORE Sub-Project for Refugees in Lebanon webinar on "EORE delivery modes" (29 July 2020).DRC/DDGReturning IDPs & refugees2020PresentationEnglishAfghanistan

Community Capacities for EORE: Lessons and ideas from South Sudan and AfghanistanPresentation on the importance of community capacities to effective EORE, drawing on experiences from South Sudan and Afghanistan. Delivered as part of the EORE Sub-Project for Refugees in Lebanon webinar on "EORE delivery modes" (29 July 2020).DRC/DDGMethodologies2020PresentationEnglishAfghanistan, South Sudan

methodologiespresentationenglishafghanistan south-sudan
Pasos Seguros (Safe Steps) Project DescriptionPresentation on the Pasos Seguros (Safe Steps) project - an alliance for EORE through innovation, including the use of information and communication technologies (ICT)USAID, The Antonio Restrepo Barco Foundation, Discovery Communications, Computadores para EducarBehaviour change, Methodologies, Technology / digitalPresentationColombia, Latin America

behaviour-change methodologies technology-digital-2presentationcolombia latin-america
CPP Children’s MagazineSample children's magazine using a Conflict Preparedness & Protection (CPP) approachNPAHolistic approaches / integrated programming, Methodologies, UrbanEORE MaterialArabicMiddle East, State of Palestine

holistic-approaches-integrated-programming-2 methodologies urbaneore-materialarabicmiddle-east state-of-palestine
Myanmar App Video SamplesAbstract video samples from the MRE Myanmar appDCA Learning Lab, UNICEFDigital applications, Remote, Technology / digital, Videos2017VideoBurmeseMyanmar, Southeast Asia

digital-applications remote technology-digital-2 videosvideoburmesemyanmar southeast-asia
EORE Strategic Media Campaign – IraqResults from a strategic media campaign to promote 'Safe(r) Steps' for populations affected by explosive ordnance.UNMASNeeds Analysis, Social media, Technology / digital, VideosPresentationEnglishIraq, Middle East

needs-analysis social-media technology-digital-2 videospresentationenglishiraq middle-east